Learning by Design is currently undergoing maitenance. Julia's papers are avaliable below.

Note: You will need Acrobat Reader in order to view these papers.

Thinking: Critical for Learning
The Natural Flow of Learning: Conditions which enhance and maximise learning
Values for A Learning Community: Learning to Know
Principles of Effective Learning
Enhancing Learning With ICT
Enhancing Learning with ICT: Promises, Pitfalls and Practicalities
Learning for the Knowledge Era
Reconceptualising the Curriculum for the Knowledge Era Part 1: The Challenge
Learning Styles & Styles of Learning - Challenges for the New Millenium
Structures to Support Learning in the Middle School Years
Enhancing Learning in the Middle Years: An Examination of key elements of effective structures & approaches
Values & Vision Driven Development
From Values & Beliefs to Principles & Practices
Values for A Learning Community: Learning to Know
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